Kedarnath Agarwal (Hindi: केदारनाथ अग्रवाल) was born on 1 April 1911 in Kamasin village of Banda district. An advocate by profession Shri Aggarwal was a pragmatic progressor poet of the Chhayawadi era. His speciality was his novel vocabulary and pictoral expression. He was honored with Sahitya Akademi and 'Soviet Land Nehru' award.More
चंदेलों की कला-प्रेम की देन-- देवताओं के मन्दिर
बने हुए हैं अब भी अनिंद्य जो खड़े हुए हैं खजुराहो में,
याद दिलाते हैं हम को उस गए समय की
जब पुरुषों ने उमड़-उमड़ कर--...